PowerDNS AXFR transfer import

Lately I have been pretty busy with large DNS migration projects, and fortunately PowerDNS has created a very handy tool: zone2sql

Assume you can do an AXFR transfer (dig AXFR @<ip from old server> example.com), the output you get here you can convert to a MySQL query for example.

With this generated MySQL query you can import the whole zone without any trouble into the new database backend of the new server.


1. A working PowerDNS authoritative server

2. A MySQL/MariaDB backend

3. AXFR tranfer possibility


1. Get the zone information: (in my test case the old nsauth server is

dig AXFR @ example.com > example.com.txt

2. Examine the output:

cat example.com.txt

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-14.el7 <<>> AXFR @ example.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
example.com.             3600    IN      SOA     nsauth1.example.com. postmaster.example.com. 2015041601 43200 3600 3600000 86400
example.com.             3600    IN      NS      nsauth1.example.com.
example.com.             3600    IN      MX      10 mx1.example.com.
www.example.com.         86400   IN      A
example.com.             3600    IN      NS      nsauth2.example.com.
example.com.             3600    IN      SOA     nsauth1.example.com. postmaster.example.com. 2015041601 43200 3600 3600000 86400
;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: ma jun 22 16:23:51 CEST 2015
;; XFR size: 6 records (messages 3, bytes 315)

3. With the zone2sql tool, convert the above information to a MySQL query:

zone2sql --gmysql --zone-name=example.com --zone=example.com.txt > example.com.sql

The output written to example.com.sql is like this:

insert into domains (name,type) values (example.com','NATIVE');
insert into records (domain_id, name, type,content,ttl,prio,disabled) select id ,'example.com', 'NS', 'nsauth1.example.com', 3600, 0, 0 from domains where name='example.com';


4. Now import the generated .sql file in the MySQL/MariaDB backend server from commandline (assume the backend is running locally):

mysql -u root -p pdns < example.com.sql

After this is completed the new zone including all records is now available in the new authortitative server.

The PowerAdmin tool is very helpful (http://www.poweradmin.org/) and recently I managed to enable the LDAP user function which is very handy.